Why Upper Cervical Chiropractic is Different from General Chiropractic Adjustments

Learn how an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment differs from general chiropractic care, focusing on precision, safety, and gentle techniques. Clear Chiropractic is an upper cervical specialist practice in Spokane, Washington that is a natural choice in healthcare without twisting, stretching or cracking.
The upper cervical chiropractic adjustment is a specialized form of care that focuses on the uppermost vertebrae in the neck, particularly C1 (the atlas) and C2 (the axis). This type of care differs significantly from general chiropractic adjustments, both in technique and philosophy. Understanding these differences is essential for appreciating the precision, safety, and effectiveness of this method, especially when dealing with complex health issues like neck pain, headaches, and neurological conditions.
Why is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Adjustment Unique?
Upper cervical chiropractic adjustment stands out for its emphasis on precision. Instead of applying force to the spine to create a dramatic movement or audible crack, upper cervical specialists focus on gentle corrections within the normal range of joint motion. This means avoiding the end-range thrusts common in general chiropractic adjustments.
The key here is understanding that most misalignments in the upper neck occur without dramatic, outward signs. These subtle shifts, particularly between C1 and C2, can have profound effects on neurological function. The upper cervical chiropractic adjustment aims to correct these misalignments in a way that is safe, gentle, and tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy.
Diagnostic Imaging is Essential
One of the hallmarks of upper cervical chiropractic care is the use of advanced diagnostic imaging, such as digital X-rays or CBCT (cone beam computed tomography). This imaging allows upper cervical chiropractors to see the exact position and angle of the misalignment. No two people are exactly alike in terms of their spine’s structure, so this personalized approach is critical for effective treatment.
For instance, in a study of 300 consecutive clients, 80% of the time, the C1 (atlas) misaligned forward. In most general chiropractic adjustments, the thrust is applied from back to front. This means that while the adjustment may be in the right area, it is often in the wrong direction.
If you are looking for best upper cervical chiropractors in Spokane to help with headaches, migraines, vertigo, dizziness and brain-health, contact our office at 509-315-8166 to request an appointment.
How Upper Cervical Adjustments Work
Upper cervical adjustments are often misunderstood because they don’t involve the heavy forces associated with traditional spinal adjustments. Instead, the focus is on precision and a light touch. The adjustment releases tension within the joint, helping it return to its normal position without pushing it beyond its natural range of motion.
The most commonly used technique in upper cervical chiropractic is the Blair technique, which emphasizes aligning the adjustment force with the planes of the joints. This requires less than 10 pounds of pressure—comparable to the force needed to click a pen.
Why Does It Look Like a “Spin?”
Many people are confused by the visual appearance of upper cervical adjustments, particularly the “spin” that appears to accompany the technique. In reality, the spin isn’t part of the adjustment but a follow-through motion. Similar to a tennis racquet’s follow-through, the spin helps to impart a three-dimensional force through the joint’s normal range of motion. It looks odd, but it ensures that the adjustment is as light, safe, and effective as possible.
The Role of the Drop Table
Some upper cervical chiropractors use a drop table to make the adjustment even lighter. The drop mechanism allows the patient to remain in a neutral position during the adjustment, and the slight vibration created by the table helps stimulate the nerve receptors in the upper neck. This also helps to engage the muscles, ensuring that the body can make the necessary correction on its own.
The drop table adds another layer of safety and comfort, particularly for people with more severe spinal misalignments or chronic conditions.
Why Not Just Exercise, Stretch, or Do Physical Therapy?
Many patients wonder why they can’t simply stretch or do physical therapy to correct upper cervical misalignments. The answer lies in the difference between muscles and joints. Exercises and stretches target the muscles surrounding the joints but do not address the underlying joint misalignment itself. Without correcting the alignment, the neurological communication between the brain and the rest of the body remains disrupted.
Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments correct the joint misalignment at the root of the problem, restoring proper neurological function and allowing the body to heal naturally.
The Effects of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Adjustments
The effects of a properly performed upper cervical chiropractic adjustment can be profound, particularly when it comes to neurological function.
- Brain Stimulation: The upper cervical spine is closely connected to the brainstem, which regulates many vital functions, including sleep, digestion, and heart rate.
- Circulation: Proper alignment helps restore blood flow to and from the brain, reducing the risk of conditions like migraines and brain fog.
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow: Misalignments in the upper cervical spine can impede the flow of CSF, the fluid that cushions the brain and spinal cord. Correcting these misalignments can improve CSF drainage and detoxification.
- Muscle Tension: Upper cervical adjustments can have a domino effect on the rest of the spine, reducing muscle tension throughout the body.
Why Upper Cervical Chiropractic Adjustments Matter for Whole-Body Health
It’s important to understand that the effects of an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment go far beyond the neck. Because the upper cervical spine houses the brainstem, it plays a crucial role in regulating the nervous system. Misalignments in this area can cause widespread effects, from chronic headaches and neck pain to issues like chronic fatigue and digestive problems.
When the upper cervical spine is aligned properly, the body can heal more effectively. This means that problems lower down the spine, such as in the lower back, hips, and knees, often resolve as well. Many people are surprised to find that correcting their upper cervical misalignment improves symptoms they didn’t even realize were connected to their neck.
Conclusion: Why Choose Upper Cervical Chiropractic Adjustment?
An upper cervical chiropractic adjustment offers a unique, precise, and gentle approach to spinal care. By focusing on the uppermost vertebrae, it addresses issues at the root of many neurological and musculoskeletal problems. Unlike general chiropractic care, which often focuses on the entire spine, upper cervical chiropractic zeroes in on the most critical area for neurological health. With the help of diagnostic imaging, light force, and precise adjustments, upper cervical chiropractors can help you achieve lasting relief and optimal health.