Atlas Adjustment no Cracking

Atlas Adjustment Without Cracking

How Does an Atlas Adjustment Work Without Cracking? When people hear “chiropractic adjustment,” they often picture twisting or cracking the neck. But this is just one type of adjustment. Techniques like Blair, Atlas Orthogonal, and NUCCA offer a different approach, focusing on precision and gentle force. An atlas adjustment works without cracking by addressing the…

Blair and NUCCA Upper Cervical Techniques

Blair and NUCCA Atlas Techniques

What is the difference between the Blair, Atlas Orthogonal, and NUCCA Upper Cervical Techniques? Are you looking for a Blair, Atlas Orthogonal, or NUCCA upper cervical chiropractor? If so, you’re not alone! Most people in the United States who search for an upper cervical chiropractor are the kinds of people who have been suffering from…