Vagus Nerve Dysfunction

Do you have Vagus Nerve Dysfunction?

Do you have Vagus Nerve Dysfunction? Vagus nerve dysfunction is a common cause, but one of the least understood health problems in the body, but it is still one of the least understood. Part of the reason is that is affects every dynamic of your life: Heart beat Blood pressure Breathing Swallowing Eating Thyroid function…

Eagle's Syndrome

Eagle’s Syndrome – A Natural Approach before Surgery

Eagle’s Syndrome: A Natural Approach before Surgery. Eagle’s Syndrome, an uncommon but impactful condition, involves elongated styloid processes causing a range of distressing symptoms. While traditionally managed with surgery, new studies suggest that upper cervical care could play a pivotal role in alleviating symptoms and enhancing overall well-being for those grappling with Eagle’s Syndrome. In…

vertigo, headaches, and nausea blog image

Headaches and Vertigo – The Hidden Cause

CASE STUDY: Nausea, Headaches and Vertigo despite “normal” MRI. This article and video may offer insight and hope for people who also have a wide array of health problems includes headaches and vertigo, whose MRIs come back as saying “everything is normal” when, in fact, nothing is normal about them. THE CASE: A young male…