Short Leg Syndrome and Low Back Pain

What Causes Short Leg Syndrome?

What Causes Short Leg Syndrome? What does it mean if you have a “short leg?” If you’ve ever been to a massage therapist, chiropractor of physical therapist, you may have been told that you have a short leg. There are a few signs you might notice yourself that you have a “short leg:” Chronic injuries…

Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatica

Piriformis Syndrome – A Different Approach

Piriformis Syndrome – A Different Approach If you’re looking for a different approach to treat piriformis syndrome, have you ever considered the possibility that muscles tightness is not the actual problem? That the origin of the problem is coming from somewhere else? If so, you can do all the stretches, massages, trigger points, low back…

Hip Bursitis natural chiropractic treatment Spokane

Is your Neck causing Hip Bursitis?

Hip bursitis is caused by repetitive stress to the ligaments that support the hip joints. Most treatments focus on where the pain is: physical therapy, injections, etc. However, the problem often comes from somewhere else. This is especially true for people diagnosed with hip bursitis normal treatments don’t provide long-lasting relief. One of the most…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or your Neck?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a commonly misdiagnosed condition. Often, the source of the problem is not in your hands at all. Instead, the problem often comes from neurological irritation in your neck (aka cervical spine). Especially if you experience CTS and also have neck pain, shoulder pain or headaches, a unique approach known as…